So here’s my take on my fall shows and how they’re going so far, as the season has elapsed more than a month. If you’ve been tagged in this, then I’ve discussed at least one of these shows with you and know you watch it.
Prison Break:
Honestly, half way through the third episode I felt disgusted. They stooped to a new low with this one. Speaking as one of the few that stuck with it after the writer’s strike, I feel pretty unhappy with the new plot. Seriously? They’re searching for six data cards that MAGICALLY have every bit of evidence they need to take down the company? WHEN DID THIS STOP BEING ABOUT PRISONS? The first season: breaking out. Second season: staying out. Third season: breaking out… again. Fourth season: Whistler was good all along and so was Gretchen/Susan? No. Also, they kept Bellick. And the casting is bullshit. And the Chinese guy is an idiot while also being so poorly written it’s insane.
The Office:
I was completely taken aback by the first and third episodes. Seriously, I thought they would wait a bit longer for the “major story developments” that occurred. I’m happy about it though, because now the only thing left is to be completely surprised by what’s to come, and that’s what The Office does best. Also, more Dwight/Jim craziness is the only thing that could make this season better.
I was sad that Wilson left, even though it almost wrought the end of JH’s obsession with House/Wilson love. I do like the P.I. guy a lot though, and I kinda wish he had a bigger part in the show, but after the developments of the last two episodes (Wilson’s back) it seems unlikely. Also, 13 was starting to feel like a jaded character until the last episode. She was almost Cameron, but that completely changed. Now, I don’t know what to think of her. Still the best show on television.
The season has had it’s ups and downs, namely bringing back Isaac as a crazy painter in Africa who calls Parkman “Pacman.” Also, the fact that Arthur Patrelli is not dead? How many slightly dead people are there? Is Niki dead? Jessica? Alejandro? Seriously. And what’s going to happen to Peter now? I kinda want to see what Sylar does too. This season has a lot of potential, but they seem to be wasting most of it. I’m staying hopeful, because they don’t always disappoint.
I like the new direction the plot is going in, especially Ari being head of Warner Brothers. Though I doubt it will happen, it is an interesting plot device that will pit Vince and Ari in an emotional conflict, which will be good for them. I want to see what happens with E’s management business much more than anything now, but I doubt he’ll get many more clients this season. I love the endlessness of the show, and how it really can’t die.