This is the first in what I hope to be a series of PS3 reviews of the various games I own, and the demos that I have played.
The first game I talk about will be my current favorite, Army of TWO. The title links to the Zero Punctuation review, just in case you find mine not funny enough.
First of all, you have to treat it like a video game, and that means, as with the early video games that are now all classics, that you should ignore the blatant plot, and focus on the driving force of the game. The backstory to this game is that you are an Army Ranger, you and your partner, and you eventually become a private military contractor. Running around the world to kill the bad guys brings you to some classic places that you might expect, especially if you have been watching the news for the last few years. First Africa, then Afghanistan, then Iraq, then China, and then finally you get to blow up stuff in America. Why? Its predictable, but I won’t give it away. So though the plot is full of propaganda to the point of bursting, it is still good at giving the game a reason to be played and to have a story. Also, it’s really funny interacting with “That MUTHAFUCKA Clyde.”
Second, being a PMC, you have some friends who will help you out at various points in the game. Basically, in the middle of a mission you can spend thousands of dollars and buy new weapons and upgrades. You can also make you weapons look “Pimped Out” which I must admit looks stupid, but it is an option. Personally, I love the SAW ($20,000) for my main weapon, and the DSR-1 ($17,500) for special weapons. The secondary weapons don’t matter as much, but they are useful. For that, it’s stylistically what you prefer. Handgun, semi, or full blown automatic? For some reason, armor upgrades automatically, so you never have to buy that. You can also buy cool new masks if you actually care what face your enemies see when they die. The cinematics do not adjust to your purchases unfortunately.
Third. This is meant to be a co-op game obviously, otherwise it would not be called Army of TWO. For this reason I believe, they made the single player AI helper dumb as a rock. Co-op mode is very fun and helps you see how versatility affects your team. Also, different fighting styles are useful in different areas, so it is interesting to see how your team adjusts.
So, my scoring of this game goes as follows.
Graphics: 10/10 (it's a PS3 game)
Gameplay: 8/10
Singleplayer: 4/10
Multiplyaer: 10/10
Enemy AI: 6/10
Difficulty curve: 7/10
Overall: 8/10